Parasites are more simple organisms, viruses, fungi, or worms feed on/in the man. For them we are a kind of "house", "input", where they can settle and live happily ever after in a unilateral way. These may be external (lice, leeches, bedbugs and other), referred to as ectoparasites; and internal (endoparasites).
The last type has the property of accumulation in the organism of the person, choosing the favorite of the majority of the most difficult areas of the intestines, the internal organs, in the mucus, where they rarely look at someone", and even drugs.
Next to its "peers" — toxins, and slag, they are devoted to the direct development of chronic diseases, which are capable of much time not to bother, because this process is slow, but once you "shoot" in the form of a sudden heart attack or the worsening.
Even this small amount of information that poses the logical question: "How do I renounce these interesami once and for always, yes, to the road forgotten again.
In any action there is always some opposition, and we bring you a summary of the best tools for parasitic cleansing of the body for the year 2020.
We are going to fight with these "uninvited" guests, and as we shall see "who is who".
Cleaning – bond of all
Cleaning – was, is and will be the key to health.
If we think we are "home", then he must be beautiful on the outside and purely grown in the interior. And housing been so for a long time, then should not "mess" in it. In other words, the waste agency offers the education, the growth of pathogens in the intestinal flora.
It is normal that it is even necessary for normal functioning. But if the balance is broken, then it creates a favorable environment for parasites, you will feel very comfortable.
Unpleasant "gifts"
Depending on the habitat and type of infection in the body appear the worms and begin to carry out activities of:
- the absorption of the nutrients;
- the selection of toxins, increase your concentration;
- the education of the different tumors;
- the development of gastric cancer, intestinal diseases;
- the education of mucus;
- the accumulation of cells in the live loads and dead;
- the conquest of the liver;
- the development of the disbakterioza; Aids; oncology;
- joint diseases,, muscle, venous;
- the occurrence of the cystitis, pyelonephritis, gazoobrazovania, constipation, diarrhea;
- the growth of the tumors in the form of cysts;
- the accompanying odors of the mouth, when the sweating, bowel movements, the national liberation of gases of greenhouse effect.
- the granting of pimples and eruptions on skin coverage of the earth;
- the reduction of the immunity;
- the appearance of anemia;
- the development of the allergy.

The list of bad "gifts" is much broader. But this list is enough for it to become in direct actions.
For the victory over the "enemy" is necessary to understand their weaknesses and strengths: he likes it (to starve it) and what is lost (for power amplification).
Strengths and weaknesses of the parasites
When "favorable" inside of the atmosphere of the body of the parasites feel very good and ready for the development of their negative activities.
Make them strong and reproduce:
- eating in excess;
- the excessive consumption of sweets;
- the adoption of the food regime;
- mixed feed;
- preference to cakes, pies, rolls, white bread, and pasta products;
- the love of canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, etc
All that gradually leads to the alteration of the sensations of taste and preferences. This is the main access route to education worm of birds.
So the sources of pollution can be:
- the presence of non-progestogenic of domestic animals;
- the non-compliance of personal hygiene;
- bad habits.
All of this leads to the diffusion of an acid environment in the body, the processes of putrefaction and decomposition, such dear and necessary for microbial parasites.
Their names are known
Split endoparasites in two large groups:
- the protozoa (giardia, amoeba, trichomonas etc);
- vermiform (roundworms, tapeworms).
They have quite different sizes, from microscopic to considerable, depending on the species.
In his "troop" are around 400 species. The most common are the helminths:
- round, of small size – ascaride, ostritsy etc;
- tape – of bovine animals, swine, dwarf tsepni;
- flukes – liver, lung, blood cells, bacteria.
How to avoid the encounter
The cause of the emergence of worm infections are dirty hands, a reminder about the washing of which, especially before eating, tirelessly and sounds of our care of the grandmothers and mothers. Or through broken skin, mucous membranes.
Make sure purification or treatment:
- hands after going to the bathroom, walking in the street;
- utensils for the preparation and consumption of food;
- the room in which he lives;
- before its domestic consumption of milk;
- products used in the cheese such as: fruits, vegetables;
- meat, fish, fat, eggs before cooking, or salting;
- after contact with animals (domestic or feral), insect bites and stings.

The exceptions are:
- the bathroom in the wrong place, the ingestion of water;
- walking around the house in street shoe;
- the access to the products of the flies or cockroaches;
- the use of feces as fertilizer and gardening garden plots.
The enforcement of these measures of precaution that must enter into the habit of each one, helps to avoid the "encounter" and more "living together" with endoparasites or their larvae.
Because, except the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, can be set in:
- the muscles;
- the eyes;
- the brain;
- of the blood;
- pain in the joints;
- the lungs;
- the heart of man.
Agree, it is not very pleasant district.
The presence of pathogenic flora in the body is a normal phenomenon, not a human body is not an exception.
The cause of the emotion can only be presented to an imbalance in the body and "pulls the blanket on himself" parasitic accumulations.
We offer to undergo the test to define the features that will talk about the current breach of balance and a general assessment of the state of the organism.
After each question, and mark with a score:
"no" — 0;
"sometimes — 1;
"yes" — 2.
- Do you have nausea, accompanied by if brushing of the teeth and the ingestion of food unpleasant sensations?
- It is own if you paleness of the skin, the lips or the gums?
- If you have anemia, and submit to her if the treatment of medication?
- It is inherent to do you have the feeling of discomfort in the abdomen?
- You have problems with digestion, belching, indigestion?
- Look, if the volatility of the chair (constipation, diarrhea, change in color, staining)?
- Note if the gravity low to the right side of the quadrant?
- Are own if you frequent headaches of migraine headaches?
- If you receive periodically have a cough?
- Do you feel pain in the knee, elbow, hips, shoulders, joints?
- Is produced if you have a sharp drop in the view?
- You wake up at night squeaking of the teeth?
- You constantly hunger hurts, and I want you to say?
- You have noticed skin rashes, allergies, itching of the skin?
- We observe the appearance of swelling in the hands or feet?
- Quickly tired of any person physical or mental on the job?
- You have diagnosed a chronic disease very difficult to treat?
- Consistently observed or with the frequency that the sensation of pain in the abdomen or other organs?
- Blood tests reveal that the changes in the indicators of the white blood cells, proteins, eosinophils?
- Periodically bothers itching in the anus?
- You have noticed similar characteristics with other members of your family?
Now calculate the resulting amount is the amount of points and locate the answer below.
0 – 6. What is more likely is that they are healthy, although can not say, already in the initial phase of parasites difficult are distinguishable. Pass preventive anti parasitic purification of the body.
7 – 17. The greater probability of the presence of parasites in the body. Recommended anti-parasitic dry cleaning.
18 – 24. It seems that you have several species of helminths. It is necessary anti-parasitic dry cleaning!
25 — 42. If you do not consider people or alarmists, it has confirmed the presence of virus. You are strongly recommended are anti-parasitic target.
The important thing is not to panic and consult a specialist.
Common character, who will speak about the presence of invasions, parasitic (infections), will be:
- dry hair;
- the fragility of the nails;
- eruptions on the skin;
- cough;
- cracks in the heels;
- increased irritability;
- the excess or lack of weight;
- easy excitability;
- the gnashing of the teeth during sleep, etc
The symptoms of worm infections are:
- the bad breath;
- a strong smell of urine;
- the prolonged absence of the defecation;
- loss of appetite;
- the important to weight reduction.
All of these signs and symptoms are concerning, as they may be symptoms of various diseases.
Do not ever be able to replace the results of laboratory or bio-resonance of the survey, on the basis of which the treating physician with the 100% — oh trust can provide the diagnosis and corresponding to the drug.
Dry cleaning, dry cleaning, and again, the cleanliness of the
Even if you're already sure that it is in you "who lives", all is not as bad as it may seem.
There are effective interventions for the means and methods of removing helminths from the body, namely:
- the transition to the correct power supply: cereals, honey (of Kandidov), the fermented dairy products with low % of fat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, representatives of the family of legumes, etc ;
- the consumption of fresh juices, especially beet (Trichomonas, herpes, blight), carrot, pomegranate;
- the use of condiments in the process of food preparation that have a wide range of anti-parasitic action;
- the presence of bitterness in the diet;
- the tincture of ginseng, siberian ginseng, and even rosehip;
- healthy hunger;
- the use of medications.
- the use of the media.
These activities are designed to change the acid environment of the stomach, "dear" worms, alkaline, incompatible with your activity.
When you switch to the pp (nutrition) the body is first to rebel and demand fried potatoes with meat, in the night, a bit of sugar with butter, the bun and the sweet tea.
Remember that this is a quirk of toxins, slag entities parasitic savings.
With the beginning of the pp occurs the beginning of the purification.
Clean the body, not on the floor of their habitat and reproduction, the conditions for the full comfort of the existence.
When you spend the pp in the first place, the deterioration of well-being, headaches, cravings for alcohol and other harmful habits, fat and heavy food, the exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Know that that's what they want their inhabitants to parasites. All of these indications exist until the time of starting the process of reorganization.
But here it is important to the individual approach. Retired is not a strong rejection of the normal diet, you will become a "culinary adventure" to more of a young person. And temporary worsening of the sores in general, it can be frightening to an adult patient of the will to change something in your life-style. When young people see this as a test for the achievement of the goal of health.
Gradually, the pp will lead to the transformation of the body:
- the change in the chemical composition of the cells;
- the renewal of tissues damaged as a result of the habits by new ones;
- the recovery of the ediacarense intestinal.
The more dirty body, the more difficult it is going to happen to dry cleaning.

It is possible to repeat up to several times to get the result.
The pp revitalizes the body at the cellular level, which increases the body's immunity and its ability to repair itself of all the functions.
Anti-parasite diet
Because the products are an important factor in the issue of the cleaning of the body, during the time of preparation to the cleanup, you must exclude from your diet some foods:
- Sweets in any form and sugar: sweet fruits to replace sour, bitter-sweet, dried fruits. In extreme cases it may take 1-2 teaspoons of honey. The addition of herbal tea to stevia, you can get a drink of 2 in 1: you give sweet drink, and adds anti-parasitic action.
- Dairy products, meat, fish. In exceptional cases, to reduce the consumption of fish 2 or 3 times a week.
- The white bread, pasta, butter pastries, cakes, pies, and yeast products. It is a good substitute will be black, without yeast, the bread cereal. Pasta, changing from varieties of flour.
In the remainder, we obtain:
- Whole grains, 1 time a day, because cooked food of the same leads to acidification.
- Stew, cooked in the oven, boiled or steamed vegetables
- The vegetable is useful to anyone;
- A delicious drink that diversify the dietary menu will be green smoothies.
- Raw vegetables, fruits, fruit juices the same way will help you in the period of purification.
- Drinking water in sufficient quantity.

If the proportion of these products before, it was on their menu minimum, the transition should be gradual, progressive.
For the more advanced "cleaners", there is a theme, such as the raw food diet.
After this diet is produces the alkalinization of the body, that is harmful to pathogenic parasites: their number will be reduced to times only the practice of the pp.
The application of the separation of food to facilitate the digestion of food with the addition of leisure, hiking, visits to the swimming pool, the sauna, the realization of a morning of contrast, soul, all of this favors the rapid removal of all trapped "trash" in the body.
Don't forget the sense of measures: make sure to be attentive to their personal well-being and the reactions of the organism, not to exaggerate.
Well, if you can spend the pp and stay in it permanently.
If this is not possible then spend at least 2 weeks of the preparatory phase before the cleaning on the basis of a healthy diet.
If this method for you difficult, you should not torment herself or to his "zoo", because palliative here do not help, but only harm you.
Not all parasites can be removed with the help of a healthy diet, although this is very powerful "pink" for them.
To speed up the process, in complex cases, or to enhance the effect, apply:
- the medicinal benefits of essential oils;
- popular recipes with the use of herbs.
Pharmacies of the tool
All de-worming medications can be divided into 2 groups:
- with vegetable composition more gentle on the body, with minimal side effects (Badi);
- synthetic — aggressive, that give greater results more effective to provide a side effect in the body.
In the 1 phase of preparation prior to the gastrointestinal and biliary system-a powerful impact against parasites, namely:
- the bowel elimination constipation;
- removing spasm, resulting in mortality of the activities of pathogenic organisms.
It is a feature of the national liberation route of the medicinal substances.
In the cleansing of the bowels and the restoration of the gallbladder way to help such plant components, such as:
- senna;
- the tansy;
- extracts: aspen bark and garlic.
In this stage occurs, and soft, but the devastating effect of the worm bodies.
Step 2 of the phase is based on components with a powerful disastrous of the action, the active participation of the action of adding to the work of the preparatory phase:
- The extract of fennel; its ethereal oil, to provide paralytic action on microbial organisms, in addition to cleaning and reducing the sensation of pain.
- The centaury, the devastating effect of which is doubled on account of a tansy, a powerful anti-parasitic plant. The death of the little worms, paralysis of large types.
- Its withdrawal from the body by means of the continuous reception 1-phase.
After the purification of the body should be:
- recovery of the ediacarense digestive;
- removing toxicity;
- the destruction of the remnants of infectious organisms that come out of their places of difficult access.
This is possible with the help of:
- ginger;
- oil of bergamot;
- the clove smell of the honey;
- the world.
- the plant components;
- security.
- intolerance of individual components;
- the long course of reception.
- it is suitable only for a healthy bowel and of the station of viv. pathways.
Most often the parasites come out as digested substance that can not be distinguished in the mass. But, if you are still a witness of the departure of the entire species, it is not worth to panic is much better in the serenity of the existence of the pathogen an organism that provides a "bouquet" of the negative effects on the body from the inside out.
After application of the substances, anti-parasitic, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins for the health and recovery of the whole organism.
Home remedies
For lovers of treatment remedies there are many prescription anti-parasitic for the purification of compounds from plant origin components:
- the greater celandine;
- the wormwood;
- tansy;
- nails;
- the garlic, etc

The most common and well-known is the purification with the help of pumpkin seeds, which is designed both for patients as for adults; for the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitina, which operates the disabling impact in helminths. Then refuses breastfeeding makes the walls of the internal organs and begin to happy movement towards the exit.
This tool can be applied in cases where there are contraindications to receive the drugs.
Shown to the application:
- children;
- retired;
- patients with chronic disease and during exacerbations;
- pregnant throughout the pregnancy;
- infants moms.
Make this product very valuable natural gift additional the content of nutrients in the form of:
- of zinc;
- of iron;
- manganese;
- of copper;
- phosphorus;
- the complex of vitamins A, b, E, A;
- several types of amino acids.
Recommended for reception into the day in the prevention as:
- children under the age of 12 years – 0.75 g;
- from 12 years old – 150 grams;
- adults – 200 grams
Dried or roasted pumpkin seeds to take with an empty stomach, blurring of the skin, necessarily carefully chewing. You can grind in pumpkin flour.
Of swallows full of the pumpkin seeds therapeutic effect is not going to happen.
Through a couple of hours (2-3), you will need to take a laxative or a enema to remove helminths.
Since pumpkin seeds are a diuretic, colecintico and a laxative action, which are contraindicated in patients with:
- disorders of the stomach or intestine;
- pielonefritom;
- the cystitis;
- dropfrom;
- the renal failure.
- accessibility;
- security;
- you do not have palocci;
- approved by the official medicine;
- suitable for the prevention;
- does not cause allergies.
- the purification of seeds requires time, beach, patience, perseverance.
For the strengthening of the anti-parasitic actions, as well as to accelerate the process of purification the seeds you can add other products.
- Honey.
To 300 grams of treated seeds, add half a cup of warm water + 30 g of liquid honey (you can heat in a water bath). The consistency has to be, as the cream is sour thick. Obtained the volume eat within an hour, by the small portions, before breakfast. Through the 3-4 hours is necessary to receive a laxative. This recipe, ideal for children. - The milk.
1 cup unpeeled, fried seeds mixed with 1 cup of milk, beat in the blender. Take the place of breakfast, shakes. After 1 hour after drinking 1 glass of water, even after 1 hour of drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water.After 3 hours of taking laxatives. This anti-parasitic method is suitable for pregnant women. Not only does he deliver us from the worms, but still:- it will increase the hemoglobin of the blood;
- slow down the loss of vision;
- soften the toxicosis,
- reduces the swelling;
- saves the health of the skin, hair, nails;
- it will improve the sleep.
- The garlic.
200 grams of untreated, toasted seeds + 5 — 6 garlic cloves grind in the blender. Leave to soak for 12 to 15 hours. Take 30 grams 3 hours before the intake of food. The course of 4 days. The children can add the honey. - Castor oil.
You will need 25 seeds untreated, they must swallow, carefully chewed before you do this. After an hour is taken between 15 ml of oil of the castor oil. Repeat at regular intervals (approximately) more than 3 times. During the day will be 4 reception. The course of 2 to 3 days. - Dill the seeds.
Prepare the infusion of dill seeds, let stand. Add the pumpkin seeds to the density of the cream of the cream. Take fasting of 40 g is obtained of a product. - A carrot juice.
In 1 glass of juice, add 50 grams of the milled seeds. The reception with an empty stomach, 1 hour prior to the morning of the food intake. Course of 25 days. Adults and children 12 years of age, you can add 1 clove of garlic. - Pumpkin oil.
The sample for the reception of adults. 30 ml/day, 20 minutes before lunch, 4 € /day. - Pumpkin milk.
Home cooked, is suitable for the reception of children.

In the conclusion
In this article we have tried to reveal the important topic of internal cleansing of the whole organism and the need to maintain clean. Since this depends on ours with you the state of mind and the hope of life, that with a proper anti-parasite purifying has the property to increase from 15 to 25 years.
Sounds tempting, isn't it?